Thursday, January 1, 2009


Ok, so you knew I wouldn't only post one blog....I can't keep quiet for long enough, and even if I wanted to, I don't have the discipline.

A great deal has been on my mind in the days since my last writing session. The impending birth of my second child (only 4 weeks away), the majestic growth of my little boy, my new business venture, the seemingly incurable disposition of the middle east, the disintegration of the once invincible Australian cricket team and the fact that there are never any positive stories on the evening news....but I guess what has kept me really ticking over is the idea of unavoidable change - limitless, overwhelming and ever growing change.

In the past few days I have learned that no less than six people I know well, all successful, all stable and all intelligent are dealing with the challenge of massive life seems that the world has spun a little too vigorously on its axis and is shaking normality loose.

We are watching the dissolution of some of the world's most prolific companies, the change of governments from Asia to Europe, the America's and throughout Africa. We are experiencing the loss of millions of jobs worldwide, the reshaping of the economic, social and ideological landscape.

I can't help but think that life will look dramatically different in a mere 5 years time...Let me illustrate this feeling by a couple of observations....did I mention that you're really patient with me and it's greatly appreciated...

1. There are a plethora of middle and senior management together with executive suite personnel facing the reality of redundancy and downsizing. This group of people is educated, experienced, networked and for the most part capable....most would find work in a normal environment. But here's the kicker, the companies that would normally hire them are experiencing the same heartache and are not putting people on, rather they too are adding to the army of future I predict more than any time in history we are going to see entrepreneurship flourish. We will see the creation of more new business and more 'bosses' than ever before. We will begin to notice astounding innovation born from focused niche activity as well as the release of bureaucracy. I say: It's about time.

2. We will see a closing of the rich:poor gap but not as many will not be the poor getting rich but rather the rich getting poorer...not altogether a terrible thing, but disappointing given the prosperity and opportunities of the past decade. I have recently read a number of reports about the amount of hurt being experienced in the not for profit sector. It stands to reason of course, I mean when you can no longer afford your mortgage or food on the table, it's no surprise that there is not enough to go around for the that needy village in Africa or that cancer charity you believe in or even that local church group down the street. I say: what a disgrace, what a tragedy.

Oh, another thing that has intoxicated me this week is the idea of convergence and divergence. One result of the overwhelming shift in the workforce is that many people who were on track to meet one another will no longer do so, and people who were never going to meet due to their previous circumstance will now cross paths. I think this is a delicious prospect. Just think who will enter your life in the next five years as a result of redundancy and the exuberance of start up activity.

Well I think I've shared enough for today.



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