Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Wikileaks - my musings

I know I know you are sick to death of the topic but the wikileaks saga has captured my interest and focus more than anything else has in years.

Some of my thoughts in no particular order:

- The fact that western govs are frantically changing legislation to stop wikileaks from operating, directly indicates that to date, wikileaks has not broken any laws - if they had, they would have just been arrested.

- The information censorship of wikileaks is as oppressive and undemocratic as anything in China, Russia or the middle east. American politicians calling for the assassination of Julian Assange for information distribution should be read as his leaked docs in action...life imitating leaks so to speak....

- Democracy is not a 'choose your own adventure' novel. It doesn't apply in some situations but not in others. Just because the information is hurtful to the govt of the day doesn't make it any less worthy of exposure. The govt is elected by us. they work for us. the information is ours.

- The idea that the information being exposed endangers lives can not be supported by fact. To date no one can point to a single incident of wikileaked info directly leading to deaths of civilians or govt operatives.

-I am yet to be convinced that what wikileaks is doing is any different to what the news organisations used to do, when they were more competent. If the NY Times broke these stories in the 50's would we be listening to the same outcry? No they'd be getting pulitzers.

- The fact that our major on and offline institutions can be coerced to infringe on wikileaks rights without a charge being laid is frightening. we should not be discussing what Zuckerberg and Facebook are going to do with our information, we should be asking what is a democratically elected government doing restricting the rights of a media institution that as not broken a single current law?

Fight on wikileaks, fight on....

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