I tried to fight it for so long. The ROI, PPP, CSR set have long espoused ideas which can be neatly wrapped into a cute little box, easily digestible for the rest of us.
I'm afraid it gets worse, much worse. Today I am going to join the ranks of the offenders. I stand before you guilty of a crime against business language.
To that end, I would like to introduce you all to my little friend, ROR.
ROR is simple to say, simple to use and pack one hell of a punch!!!
ROR, or Return on Reach is simply an executive and board tool for determining the extent to which your company drives value in proportion to it's market reach. Measured against a number of variables such as sales, staff cost, advertising spend etc....
For instance, if Facebook with 500 million members (a big big reach) generates $2BN in annual revenue how does that really compare with a single city television network with a maximum market of 9 million homes driving $600 million in revenues? Changes the perception of value and success a little bit, no?
We've been doing some comparisons of media entities, big and small at Mummu HQ and the results are both surprising and fascinating. We are now starting to measure all of our own media assets (and we have few of them) against an ROR criteria - and it works!
So go forth and sing ROR as loudly and proudly as you throw out it's cousins, ROI and CSR....
I feel so cheap and tawdry now....
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